Monday, February 18, 2008

Race Update: Robie Creek Registration Grinds to a Halt - Yet Again

See 2009 Robie Creek Registration Update

Registration for the 2008 Race to Robie Creek ground to a halt for the second year running, with the servers failing to keep pace with anxious athletes looking to enter the April 19 Boise-area half marathon. From the moment the registration link went live on the Robie Creek site (site) at 8:00am (MT), users were met with halting, fitful, and downright dead connections, which continued through the morning and seemed likely to keep up much longer. The chaotic home page marked well what was to greet would-be participants (see image; click to enlarge). As news breaks on the situation, Run Junkie will report it.
Postscript: (2-18-08;3:05pm) Robie Creek site reports race is full; posts race logo for 2008.

Postscript: (April 18, 2008) Race instructions on the eve of race day (post).

1 comment:

Sean Sirrine said...

This is so frustrating, I've been trying to register for two hours so far.