Other posts on coffee/caffeine.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Coffee Talk: Toe the Line With Joe
Other posts on coffee/caffeine.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
My 2009 Coyote Two Moon 100k
And that's just what I did, and things couldn't have gone better.
Our 3:00pm start group consisted of eight preordained subjects and two who had miss

Along the ridge and down the steep decent to the Rose Valley aid station (mile 12) I padded out the miles in the warm afternoon sun. About halfway down the decent, Brian and Kevin wer
I hit Howard Creek in about 4:15 in the twilight, saw my dad (who was volunteering), grabbed some food and my headlamp, and headed up the climb not too far behind Dan and Meredith. We climbed together for a while, then Meredith gapped up us. Near the top, I passed Dan (who would make a strong reappearance in the wee hours) and made my way to the first of three visits to the Gridley Top AS. The fog was pretty thick at times, making white out conditions with my headlamp, but the flashlight worked fine.
At Gridley Top, RD, Chris Scott, was in full Holstein Cow costume, lifting spirits and holding court. Since I wasn't lagging too far behind, Meredith waited a bit for me so that together we could find the tricky left turn on the foggy ridge that led down to the Cozy Dell AS (mile 30). We'd run together from here to the finish.
As we made our way over to the long decent to Cozy Dell, we began to cross paths with the 100m/100k runners from other start groups, which lifted the spirits. To that point, it'd been a pretty lonely affair.
Meredith seemed to be feeling a bit more spry than I, so I was happy to follow her lead down the decent, which wasn't too technical, save the bottom part which was pretty rocky. As we would for the next nine hours, we had a great time talking about pretty much anything that came to mind. We saw Kevin once more looking strong on the climb, as we made our way down.
It was then back up to Gridley Top (mile 38), then down to the Gridley Bottom AS (mile 44) to get fueled up for the final climb up to Gridley Top (mile 50) and the top of the ridge. Now many hours into things, I was feeling really good. My stomach felt better than it had at mile 12; I'd been eating regularly (PB&J, Cliff Bars for the first half; gels and water here on out), taking 1 - 2 S-Caps per hour, and I really never had any dips in energy.
After catching up to Meredith on the Gridley Bottom climb (she always blazed out of the aids faster than I did), I took the lead. Her gluts and hamstrings had started to tighten up on the second half and things in that late hour just became a bit tedious, so we had periods of silent slogging up to our final visit to Gridley Top . Near the top, Dan reappeared looking fresh as he blazed by us for a really strong finish.
At Gridley Top (mile 50), we had some broth, put on our jackets and gloves to tackle the

Of course, with "bonus" and "boner" minutes applied by the RD, "official" results differ from the clock time and placings (official results). Meredith, with her spirited entrance into aid stations, running prowess, and general great character, vaulted into third place overall, while my meager bonus minutes dropped me two places to sixth.
It's hard to imagine things going any better for me at Coyote, especially with all the unknowns at the outset. I ate well; drank well (peed four times); and just generally felt great throughout, even if the last downs were a bit tiring.
Chris Scott does an unparalleled job of suffusing such difficult races with a sense of camaraderie and fun, and he truly does put together one hell of an ultra under the warm So Cal sun.
See my other C2M postings.
(Start, Finish, and Cozy Dell photos courtesy of Bob MacGillivray/DryMax)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The 2009 Coyote Two Moon Schwag Bag
Now a couple days on from the finish of the Coyote Two Moon 100k, I finally feel able take a hard look at the chock-full and esoteric schwag bags put together by RD Chris Scott and his merry band of accomplices. In no particular order with no implications, my bag, with its own unique qualities, included:
- Patagonia Cap2 race shirt
- Patagonia Slopestyle Hoodie finisher's jacket
- Black Diamond SpaceShot2 headlamp
- Zombie Runner goodie bag
- DryMax socks
- 1 pair United Airlines headphones
- 1 Centurion Armored Transport patch
- 1 toothbrush (soft)
- 1 old but still informative copy of The Week magazine
- 1 travel guide to the Grand Canyon
- 1 brochure for the Intercourse Canning Co. in Intercourse PA
- Various other brochures for random roadside attractions across the US
- 1 romance novel ("And the winner gets...married")
- 1 microwave popcorn bag from a Residence Inn
- 1 what appears to be an old Iron Curtain beer coaster
- 1 Starbucks gift card (likely empty)
- Other random gift cards and hotel room keys
- 1 vinyl wallet from Shapiro & Leventhal "motorcycle attorneys"
- 1 "Test Pilot" dog tag
- 1 nylon belt
- 2 hotel soaps
- 1 poker chip
- 4 USA Today golf tees
- Select other items hard to describe
See my other C2M postings.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Results and Report: 2009 Coyote Two Moon 100
Of course, any results to date are unofficial, as race director Chris Scott assigns "bonus" and "boner" minutes, which can significantly affect official finishing times. Do things that anger the director -- don't answer emails, don't show up at the awards breakfast, don't wear your leader's beanie -- and you'll see your winning time slip down to mid-pack. Do things that please the director -- send him a pound of coffee each week, participate in pre-event festivities -- and you can launch from the bottom of the pack to the winner's circle. Final results will be posted when they're available.
Unlike most events, runners at Coyote leave at staggered starts based on projected finishing times, with the goal of bringing everyone home in a four hour window Sunday morning. This means things group together toward the end of the race (rather than becoming mind-numbingly bleak), and the 100k runners, often free from running in the dark, spend most of their run-time with their headlamps and flashlights.
A few photos from 2009.

See my other C2M postings.
(Start (front view) and Cozy Dell photos courtesy of Bob MacGillivray/DryMax)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Science Wire: Overthink, Underperform
As relaxed as we ultrarunners like to think we are, one doesn't have to scratch too far below the surface to reveal the empirical, detail driven core that powers the machine. It's this side of us that memorizes course profiles, calculates energy needs down to the kilojoule, and plans drop bags like NASA does lunar missions. And while it's good to be prepared, some new research out this week suggests that at a certain point all the obsessing over such details could actually hamper performance.
The study, out of Bangor University in the UK (study), found that athletes who performed a taxing mental exercise for 90 minutes before a timed cycling test performed much worse than those who did 90 minutes of a more mentally "neutral" activity (watching a documentary) before the test. Interestingly, the difference came down to simple head games. No physiological differences were actually seen between the two groups.
While the study was quite small -- as most endurance studies are -- it does help bolster the importance of coming into an event as mentally relaxed as possible. So rather than checking the contents of our drop bags for a fourth time, maybe we all should pop in that DVD of Napoleon Dynamite instead.
The study, out of Bangor University in the UK (study), found that athletes who performed a taxing mental exercise for 90 minutes before a timed cycling test performed much worse than those who did 90 minutes of a more mentally "neutral" activity (watching a documentary) before the test. Interestingly, the difference came down to simple head games. No physiological differences were actually seen between the two groups.
While the study was quite small -- as most endurance studies are -- it does help bolster the importance of coming into an event as mentally relaxed as possible. So rather than checking the contents of our drop bags for a fourth time, maybe we all should pop in that DVD of Napoleon Dynamite instead.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
They're Watching You: Attackpoint.org

After using the site ritually since September 2008, including a hard winter's training block ahead of next Saturday's Coyote Two Moon 100k, I've found that what really makes the site standout isn't its ease of use, isn't its objective look at weekly miles and vertical feet, it is its social networking.
Attackpoint allows you to follow the logs of any other athlete who uses the site, whether it's a training partner, a standout athlete, or old high school sweetheart. And some of these people do the same for you: watching your weekly miles, what routes you've been choosing, how you've been feeling.
What this effectively does is surround you with training partners 24/7. And this is a good thing, at least for those like me who work off a rich mixture of internal and external motivation. Although you may only physically run once a week with your training partners, you can all keep tabs on each other on the off days, which can be quite motivating. No one wants to be the one showing up at the trailhead with a string of zero days or a number of 30 mile weeks. It's basic pack behavior, and it can work wonders.
The past three months, I've run more than I ever have in any period of my athletic career -- both in number of days and in mileage. While a lot of this has to do with my fairly new move to ultra running and a big early season goal, I have to credit much of it to Attackpoint as well. It's simply a great site, with a lot to offer.
Feel like giving it a try? Remember: They're out there and they're watching. You better go run.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Ultra Rx: Shin Splints Massage
Looking to supplement the ice and ibuprofen therapy for your shin splints? Well, here's a nice video on massage tips from Livestrong.com. It focuses largely on lateral shin splints (pain on the outside of the shin), but should offer something for everyone with a good case of aching shins.
How to Massage Shin Splints -- powered by http://www.livestrong.com
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Race Prep Milestone: The 10-Day Forecast
There are many waypoints and milestones on the way to a big race: the first double, the first 6 x 1200, the last long run, the beginning of the taper. For me, one of the best milestones is the posting of the 10-day weather forecast for race day. Coming as it does in the middle of the first taper week, when you're a bit burnt out but still have to get some decent miles, it not only tells you you're getting pretty close to toeing the line, but it also provides a welcome distraction and (false?) sense of empowerment as you begin to pull together the race day quiver and drop bags.
Coming off a long winter of snowy runs in the Rockies, things are looking great in Ojai, CA for the start of the Coyote Two Moon 100 ten days' hence: Sunny. Hi 72. Low 45.
Coming off a long winter of snowy runs in the Rockies, things are looking great in Ojai, CA for the start of the Coyote Two Moon 100 ten days' hence: Sunny. Hi 72. Low 45.

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